Alhamdulillah. All is well. Penat tu..memang penat. Pandai2 la meng adjust activity. So far, my Ramadhan regime is working. Mainly balun tidoq after solat isya'. Hubby kejut after he came back from tarawikh. Kalau rasa fresh & energized, I go downstairs, have a bowl of cereal + warm milo, do tarawikh and hambat budak2 tidoq afterwards. If not, I will hambat budak2 tidoq and I will tidoq as well. Then make sure I get up around midnight to have the cereal+milo and do tarawikh. Sekarang ni dok balun Nestle's Fitnesse Almond/Honey and Fruit.
My fav is Almond Honey. Yg Fruit tu, for variety only. |
Rasa2nya lah, elok kalau have the midnight moreh lah. Kalau 10ish dah isi balik, macam too soon since baru je 2hrs plus lps berbuka. Yep, I'm sticking my midnight moreh. Tarawikh, flexi lah, nak buat 10ish pm ka, midnight ka or around sahur time ka (tak pernah lagi...jgn la setat, kalut kut).
Yesterday me & hubby went grocerying. Found this cereal White's Toasted Oats Apple and Cinnamon, macam sedap so I bought. Saja takut boring dok makan Nestle punya je.
The cinnamon taste tu, yg buat dia sedap bangatt. Ke sebab tgh ngidam cinnamon roll? |
Sedaap! Tak nyesal lah beli. Maybe boleh try the other variety later on - Strawberry/Banana and Wild Fruits.
26 July
Bought another one of White's Toasted Oats. This time it's Wild Fruit Crunch. It has dried strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. Sedap jugak hehehe.
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