Yey! Done another running event ( walking) and this time it's 5KM. Registered for the run since the cut-off time is very generous; flag-off 730am and officially ends at 930am. 2hours you! Very genereous indeed especially for a walking pregnant lady like me heh!
Oh yes, by the way I am now 5mths 1 wk preggy. And got medal some more. That goes without saying, I am still in medal hoarding mode. No medal, no sign-up. I can do without timing, this boleh track sendiri.
Just like Milo Bfast run, hubby always by my side..tq..sob sob |
I thought it was a walk in the park, since 5KM kann. WRONG! It's a practice of mine actually to chart the running route before the event itself. So that I can prepare myself metally of any hills rather than be demoralized and lemah semangat when faced with the hills. This time, silap laa tak buat. Konon confident 5KM tu kacang.
Tgk laa elevation dia...huhuu.. Padan muka. Lain kali, check ye! |
So, next event I'm joining is the fun run in Perodua Race for a Cause, which of course I will walk lah. It's going to be in Putrajaya. I've walked twice in a charity event using PJ route. Kalau organizer follows the typical route, then I already have the record on the chart and elevation.
It's going to be a merry one. Ramai x-USMKCP is joining. |
Hmmm...I need to check what's the cut-off time. Got medal tapi tak ingat lak pasal cut-off time.
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