Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Re-learning Arabic

I learnt Arabic before. When I was in Form 1-3, Arabic was one of mata pelajaran wajib (sekolah agama kan..). I changed school for F4-5 and took science stream so Arabic was not compulsory anymore. Now how I wished I have kept on studying Arabic.
My interest to relearn Arabic surfaced for the past few years. I am also seeing people close to me learning Arabic on their own - my brother and sister in law, a colleague, even my husband has expressed the same wish. I am truly humbled by their passion coz it is not easy learning/ memorizing something new when you are already in 30s-50s.
Hubby suggested buying the Rosetta Stone Arabic Language software. While checking the website, I found a forum which suggested ie learning through podcast. Rosetta Stone is very pricey (USD179 for Level 1) while offered free lessons for beginners and USD 198 for full access until Advance level. So I'm dropping the stone and getting into the pod.
Tgh maternity leave ni, I might start the ball rolling. A colleague of mine is subscribing an online Arabic class which I find quite tedious (assignment, tutorial etc). Apa2 pun, both of us ie encouraging each other. Syok sikit :) Harap2 ni bukan hangat2 tahi ayam nye initiative.


lina said...

All the best :-)

I learnt Arabic from form 1-3 too, but stopped sbb form 4-5 tak offered. Berkarat...

adi4aki said...

Marhaba ya ukhti
Kaifa haluki ehek :)