Woooohoooo! I made it, syukur alhamdulillah. Was doubting myself since early last week I had this pelvic pain. I had to really observe my condition and made judgement whether walking 7KM will be ok or not. Friday was good and Saturday was good. So by Saturday night, agak confidentlah to join this event.
Milo Breakfast Run 2013 @ UPM, Serdang |
Bangun awal la jugak, around 440am, had a quick shower & breakfast. Dah nama breakfast run, kena la lapik perut sket?! It was raining but sporadic. Fetch Ah (hubby's niece) around 530am and off we went to Serdang. Berenti solat subuh kat Petronas station, the one before UPM toll around 6am. Leceh lah nak solat kat masjid UPM. Nak menapak from parking, amik wudhu' and gegas ke ruang solat. Solat kat petrol station is faster due to its shorter accessibility.
Lps solat, looking at Waze app, it was already indicated that traffic was jammed from UPM tol - main entrance - parking area and it was 630am. Flag-off 7am...arggghh. Using Waze, we navigated to the second entrance but were road-blocked half way. Cisss..again we used Waze to circumnavigate, took a long way..tah masuk macam pendalaman UPM, single lane, small lane. Yang penting...sampai akhirnya! Woohoo, 15 mins before flag-off. Sib baik nekad ikut jalan lain.
Ramai jugak, almost 8000 peeps. I guessed mostly UPM students, nampak muda2 dan bergeng2. Once we passed the scanner mat pad, Ah lari terus and both me & hubby stuck to brisk walking. Target 11min 30sec per km, so that would be 1hr 20m 30s for us to complete 7KM. Berbekalkan Milo 3 kotak and 5 biji kurma Maryami, we reached the finishing line 1hr 28min plus. Sib baikkkk..I want the medal you know and cut-off time is 1hr 30m.
TQ Ah, for the photo! And hubby..sob, sob..for being by my side all the way. |
Nampak mamat t-shirt putih, suruh pegi amik medal & goodie bag. Weeeee...!!
Nice medal! Saya sukaaaa. |
Efficient medal, mineral water and banana handsout. Nice place for gathering of runners/joggers/walkers and family members/ friends. Lapang betul padang nya. Ye lah..sah2 padang kawad UPM. Kalau tak lapang, hampeh aaaa. And milo van, masyaAllah, banyak nyeeee. You know, dalam byk2 running/walking event that I joined, this is the first time I managed to get a cup. Queue was short due to maaaany number of vans. Tapi manis la pulak rase milo nye..ehekk.
Rows of Milo van |
Since it was a movement to encourage ppl taking breakfast, there were long tents for food stalls. Food vouchers included in the goodie bag. RM1x3 vouchers in each bag. Each plate of food harga standard RM3. But tak lapo la plak. Dah pekena air milo & banana. So we decided to head home...and..stop makan kat Fawwaz kakakaka..before antar Ah balik.
Very happy with the turn out. Next one, 5KM Mines Charity Run. Of course, will walk. Cut-off 2 hrs. Ok laaaa!! Got medal, but will not expect much on its quality and beauty.
Close-up medal. Nice huh? Cedok blogger mana tah. Tq anyway...hihihi |
Minum Milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!
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