The date for the trip has been set, 15-19 Dec 2014. Booking fee has been paid. Jeng..jeng..jeng. Actually I already signed up for 11.12.13 trip (last month) tapi gara2 signed up then found out that I was pregnant...burnt the booking fee for that one. Hasben naik sorang2 dgn rakan2 lain.
Sooooo...nak jugak naik this year. Yg bestnya, hasben pun ikut sebaaaab...dia tak sempat sampai puncak harharhar. A blessing for me indeed. Dia dapat sijil hitam putih je, not coloured for those who reached Kinabalu Low's Peak.
Meng'saiko' diri sendiri |
Saspen jugak ni. Kalau brisk walk 1km dalam sepuluh minit (lbh kurang), orang kata Kinabalu is like 1km/hr. Tapi my hasben ikut Mersilau and it took him almost 12 hours to reach Laban Rata....eeep! apakah...
Got almost 1 year to prepare. Apart from my lari2 I think, I'll be visiting Broga, Bukit Tabur, Bukit Gasing etc as a preparation. Oh ye, package includes white water rafting. Nak kena pikir gak preparation for that activity.
1 comment:
Ada orang kata, buat stairs workout jugak. Saya tatau sebab tak pernah naik.hihihi
Have fun nnt! :-)
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