Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I just need a spoon

I like to brew my hot drinks in the office pantry. So I have my own mug and teaspoon. But I've lost my teaspoon once when I left the spoon and the mug to dry near the sink. It was a plain spoon, so people might have thought the spoon is for common use.(*^&%^@
So I bought another spoon from Daiso, a special spoon with a smiley face at its handle.
Something like this
Hoping that people would hesitate to  use it, seeing it is special spoon so it must belong to somebody. Right? Wrrrronngggg...my smiley spoon was lost too, never seen again in the pantry. %#$*(&*%$
Then I bought another spoon. Still trying to make it a special spoon so that people will not simply use it. Definitely looks different, brown colour with clear grain. Different texture. I was feeling a bit smart.

Until I put it in the mug full with water.
It floats....I was feeling smart before, but when the spoon floats....definitely not feeling smart lah kan

The spoon now sits in a different mug.
Pakai je laaa disposable spoon....
Disposal spoon pun ringan jugak, tapi takde lah float...

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