I wanted to be able to play guitar since I was in my secondary school (primary school, I wanted to play violin, only God knows why). What actually triggered my interest to play guitar? It happened when I listened to an instrumental song, guitar exactly. The song titled 'Wishful Thinking' by Earl Klugh. Go on, try listening to the song. It's sooo cute and soothing and really calls up my happy2 thoughts/ moments.
When I was in uni, I started noticing people who have guitar or able to play guitar - cousins, friends, dorm mates - and I would feel so jealous of them! I was schooled in sekolah agama, so it was not that easy to pick up a guitar and strum, without earning serious rebuke from my parents (so I thought). But lo and behold, one day my youngest brother came back from his semester break strapped with a guitar. He would strum (and made noise - not music) and my parents said nothing...huh. I was already working at this time. Learning to play guitar was a hazy dream, not forgotten, but a dream nonetheless.
A couple of times I did try to initiate my guitar leaning curve. Once was during my 2nd maternity leave in which I borrowed my sis-in-law's guitar. I took 3 months of leave and thought I would be able to learn it during this time. Nope, did not happen. Busy with baby I guess. I returned the guitar, the bag dusty from lack of use.
Towards the end of 2011, THE SONG happened. Hehehe..that song re-ignited my interest. I cried listening to that song. It was so beautiful and I said to myself, wouldn't it be heaven if I can play this song with a guitar. After listening to rounds and rounds of this song, the spark became a fierce fire, burning uncontrollably. Everytime I listened to this song, I would imagine holding a guitar and I would strum the invisible guitar along with the song. And so it began, my journey to play guitar. Hihihihi...the song?
Best kan lagu niii???!!! |
I borrowed the guitar again from my SIL. This would be my second attemp. Thankfully, I found a website which gives tips and tricks to be successful in learning to play guitar. I found one tip which really strike me hard. Basically, I need to make sure the guitar is readily available and within reach so that everytime the urge is there, I just need to reach for the guitar. Last time, I always zip the guitar bag into its bag and unzip whenever I feel like playing. It was a hassle and tedious. The tip really works for me. This time around, I keep my SIL guitar out of the bag, at the corner of my room.
Come April 2012, I thought, why not ask for a guitar from hubby as my birthday present. Hehehe..it happened okay?! So this month, it would be 1 year since I first held my own guitar. Frankly, my favourite birthday present ever!
Yamaha FG700MS model bought in April 2012 at Yamaha Music Shop in Subang Parade. Love it..muahhs! |
Remembering the precious tip, I even bought a guitar stand. I also bought a capo since Thousand Years requires a capo at third fret (chewahh..bunyi mcm pro gitu...akakakaka). Bought as well a soft guitar bag. Got a free guitar pick which was lost, my kids somehow berebut2 nak main dgn pick ni, I dunno where it goes. Never mind, I prefer to use my finger and nails.
My beloved guitar on a stand, within reach 24/7. The one & only? Only time will tell :) |
It took me 2-3 months to be able to play Thousand Years, not bad huh?! Ehehehe...courtesy of Youtube. Thank you Youtube for making it happen! And maybe 2-3 months for me to be able to play as well as sing Thousand Years (am I cool or what ahahahah!). So far, that's the only song that I can play fully. Other songs..hmm..let's see. I can strum fully What's Up (4 non blondes) but could not yet sing along. I can play sing the verses & chorus of Someone Like You (Adele) but not the bridges. I plan to complete learning Adele's, then maybe move to a happy2 and crowd singing song like 2 Steps Behind (Def Leppard).
Wish me luck eh?
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