The event was in Saturday early morning. We were a bit worried, takut Hayaa' liat nak bangun, get cranky etc since dia ni jenih bangun lambat. So we started to brainwash her ever since we received the notification about the event. It was a bit helpful that she was excited to go for the event. Friday night, ingat nak suruh dia tido awal. Hmmm...tgk2, ada Underworld : Awakening, which I have not watched yet, starts at 10pm ends around 12midnight. Nak tgk jugak...kalau nak tgk jugak maknanya bebudak pun tido lambat laa..Diaorg ni bukannya pandai nak tido sendiri, except maybe Huda kalau dia ngantuk. Gamble je lah, kalau Hayaa cranky susah nak bangun esok pagi.
Saturday morning. Hubby tepuk sikit je Hayaa. "Hari ni kita nak buat apa?' She woke up saying, 'Kita pegi SpaceU8.' Hubby told her to go downstairs for he milo/susu (emmm..she's still on bottle hokay) and she happily went downstairs. Kakakaka..that was easy! Thank god! Huda awal2 lagi dah bangun, this early riser sorang nih..senang nak urus sket.
SpaceU8 were thronged with people by the time we got there. Ramai sungguh! Apparently, the invitation to the event was given to schools within Shah Alam. Registered Hayaa and ushered her to a spot and sat her down. Siap bukak lah tray makan IKEA aka makeshift meja mewarna. Nampak jugak la 2-3 org, came complete with kusi kontot, fuuuuhh!
While waiting for the event to start |
Agak panas la jugak courtyard tuh. The rest of family members had to stand aside. Oh yes, kitaorg angkut sekali bibik & Huda. Dekat je pun mall ni. Kalau event dragged too long, Hubby planned to send both bibik & Huda balik while I wait for Hayaa. Coloring started at 9am. Penat weh berdiri preggy2 nih. Terserempak pulak Kak Ja. I think dah 2 tahun tak jumpa dia! The last reunion was raya 2 years ago. Apparently one of her kids joined the event. So we chatted, catching up on stories. Kak Ja dah nak bersara next year from TUDM. Baru je umur 39! Rupanya, TUDM tak simpan orang lama2. Keep them fresh hmmm?
Maintain muda je Kak Ja pun, cuma berisik sket |
Lepaih tu, we parted for a while to check on the kids. Hmmpphh..parted for good pun. Tak sempat nak salam2. Tak larat nak berdiri, we decided to makan2 kat Simply Reca. Makan sempoi2 je. We ordered a plate of Thai fried rice, sotong goreng tepung and hot drinks sorang satu. I ordered hot lemon tea, agak manis. I drank half and poured warm water to dilute, taste went ok after that. Sotong goreng tepung sedap. Nasik pun sedap. Harga steep...ehehehe. Hubby bayar. Dia yg chose the place. Ada je mamak (Restoran Subaidah) few shoplots away.
Huda ate most of the fried rice. Early riser and good eater. Sayaaang anak mama. See the sotong goreng tepung? |
Once in a while, hubby would check on Hayaa. Bibik & Huda pun would take a walk to Hayaa, just to stifle the boredom of sitting & doing nothing. Me? Update staus kat FB lerrr..eheheheh. When the food was just about to habis, Hubby checked for one last time, telling me that Hayaa dah start melangut. Most kids were..dah habih mewarna laa tu. But she did not submit her drawing yet..So kitaorg perabih all the food & drinks, bayar and off we went.
Memang betul dia dah dok melangut with one little girl (classmate kut). So I asked her nak balik tak and she nodded. I guessed she was a bit turned off by the loudspeaker high volume. Once in a while she would tutup telinga. We were about to move from the courtyard when I saw hubby signaling from sidelines to submit her drawing...ada ka pegi selit dalam goodie bag Dutch Lady. I took out the drawing. Punya lah bland..sorry heh Hayaa..memang bland pun! Warna macam tak tekan je pensel warna tu..hahahhaa..memang confirm tak menang punya!
Oh yes, I saw 1 chinese boy pulun mengaler. Fuhhh..memang naik la warna drawing dia. And mom was looking on, macam kiasu gitu. And the boy was like looking at her mom for approval. Memang la kiasu...cher tgk Hayaa nye drawing? Mau cik kak tu koyak & bakar kut kalau anak dia kaler cam tu. Tak sempat pulak Mama snap Hayaa nye drawing, kalut nak kuar from courtyard...sebab parents bukannya boleh loiter kat contest area. Tapi sempat la snap Hayaa with School, mascot Dutch Lady kut?
Not so scary heh? Dulu2, punya la takut dgn any mascot. |
Tak pe Hayaa. Mama bukannya nak Hayaa menang. I just want you to have the experience of entering a coloring contest. And I know you were having fun, you said so yourself when we were walking back to the car (you still had your hands latched to your ears..Walid bagi tau dah tak bising, baru Hayaa nak turung tangan..ish ish ish). And you said so again in the car. Lain kali kita participate lagi eh?
By then, it was about 1045am., balik rumah & sambung malas2an.
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