To beat the cuti sekolah crowd, we took leave on Thursday and drove to Nusajaya Wednesday night. Packing was already done the night before. Once me & hubby got back from office, we waited for Hayaa to arrive from school, bibik bagi mandi, solat maghrib and off we go.
We decided to drive the KIA since it has CD player, kang boring pulak budak2. Honestly, I would prefer the beamer, since the seat is wayyy comfy. Tapi memikirkan lagi sakit kepala kalau budak2 cranky, I concur with the KIA choice.
We rented a homestay in Taman Nusantara under management of Vintage Hotel. It's a 2-storey terrace house. Per night for the whole house is RM300. We wanted to rent fully for 3 nights (22-24hb) tapi dah ada renter for 1 night master bedroom on 24hb. So the total cost was RM770. Belasah je laa. Kalau dok hotel, mau RM1500 lebih.
Ni the hotel. Lupa nak ambik gambar homestay. |
The homestay fulfil the basic needs - 3 rooms : masterbed with 2xsingle beds, 2nd room with queen bed, 3rd room with single bed, air-conditioned, 1 bathroom with hot shower at 1st floor, 1 toilet attached with hot shower at groundfloor, WIMAX (cool!), TV but no cable network (just basic channels, kalau ada CD/DVD player kan best), dapur with peti ais, kettle, pinggan/ mangkuk/cawan/sudu/garpu. Yg kureng, takde dining table tapi no biggie coz makan luar pun. Hari2 ada maid kemas bilik je & top-up mineral bottles.
Ada drama gak masa nak check-in. Kitaorg sampai dlm 12 tgh malam kut. So mamat yg jaga, well..sampai skrg ingat nama dia, Abg Awang. Decent, tapi blurr. Menggagau cari booking form. Kita bagi deposit, tak issue resit. Minta kunci rumah, katanya ada org dok jaga rumah (rumah pun tak tau kat mana, bagi alamat je). Bila sampai rumah, takde org pun. So kitaorg patah balik ke hotel. Sampai hotel, he was on the phone with the day receptionist, boleh dgr suara cik kak tu hangin2 mengexplain. Bila mintak kunci, bagi kunci bilik je, aikkk..mesti la nak kena bagi kunci gate & grill rumah. Dia pegi kater yg 'kunci bilik boleh bukak semua2'.
So I asked to talk with the day receptionist, cik kak tu pun explain balik. Siap mintak tolong ajar Abg Awang. Bila awek tu inform cari kunci putih, blur la pulak Abg Awang ni. Ada pulak dia pegi kater 'semua kunci warna putih'. Itu warna besi kunci laaa..yg putih tu, tag kunci. Kitaorg pulak yang kena guide (sebab cabinet kunci boleh nampak from the front desk). Resit, baru lah nak issue lepas awek tu explain to me, and I have to teach Abg Awang canner nak isi resit. Haisssshh..hubby tak habih2 dok menyatakan kekesalan, 'naper lah tak ajar mamat ni, tahap ni memang jadi jaga je sesuai, naper lah taknak memajukan diri.' Encik hubby...tak sumer org bright hokay. Lagi2 style kalut mcm tu (sampai kuci putih pun tak jumpa2). Sorry Abg Awang. The very least, both of us think this guy is trustworthy, nampak la decent orgnya. And selamat masuk rumah, dingdong2, tido around 2am. zzzzZZZ.
So next morning, Legoland. Hmmpphh. Hayaa le syok kut. Tapi panasnya mak aiiii. Sib baik taktik menjadi, tak berapa ramai orang. Still kena beratur for the rides but 2-3 round je tunggu.
Sebelum masuk |
Most of the rides, hubby la teman Hayaa. Huda, sumer 'nannaakk' bila tanya. Ok jerr..since dia masuk FOC (bawah 3 years).
Just after the entrance, Huda checking her 'peace' sign |
Naik boat dgn walid |
Macam2 lah statue yg di pasang drp Lego nye pieces, but once figure caught my attention....
Direwolf - to honor House of Stark, Game of Thrones..heheh |
By the time tgh hari, Huda dah cranky. Nap time le tuh, tapi tak dapat tido selesa.
Sedeynya....nak tido...uuuuu.. |
Second day, we went to Puteri Harbour theme park. Kalau Legoland was hot (outdoor), today was so cold (indoor with aircond-dah le hujan sikit2 kat luar tu).
Last day, JPO...hehehe..time for mama & walid to splurge. Huda cranky lak pagi2 before sampai JPO. By the time sampai JPO, demam. Siannn...mesti sebab panas giler 1st day, and sejuk pulak on the second. Muntah dia kat JPO tuh. Lps muntah, nampak dia macam relieved sikit...tapi mandom laaa.
First time Hayaa mintak bergambo..I had to remind her rapatkan kaki, kalu idak, ngangkang minah ni |
Hmmm..what have we bought...stay tuned.