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Right hip joint-right pubic joint-tail bone and right sacroiliac joint |
Apart from the common advice which can be found in the internet (pelvic strengthening, posture adjustment, walking/bending/picking up stuff etc) additional steps that I've taken :
- Doing squats, pelvic rotation everytime I rose from lying, seating. Engage my pelvic muscle and glutes, lean slightly forward, bend the kness a bit, before taking the first step.
- While solat. Previously I stood with feet shoulder apart. Tapi tak menjadi lah this time, it hurts every time turun nak sujud dan bila nak berdiri. Now, I stand up with feet making a 'V' ie ankles meet together and toes apart. None/ less pain. Ensure V formation as much as possible during solat, including while seated.
- If I want to change sides while sleeping. Let's say tgh baring on my left side (make sure baring dekat dgn tebing katil) - bangun and duduk kat tebing katil dulu. Then tumbang ke side kanan. Of course, kena tukar lokasi bantal dulu. Takde lah nak shift from left side lying-to flat on the back- to right side lying. Sakit ooo.
- I find walking backwards is not painful. Reverse..selagi boleh reverse
26 Sep 2013
Now both sides of my pubic bone hurts..My hip joints do not hurt as bad anymore...ke actually masih sakit, tapi pubic bone pain is masking it. Grrrr...I cannot solat macam biasa anymore. Maybe subuh, but not zohor onwards. When evening and night approaches, the joints hurt even more. Have to solat seated.
28 Sep 2013
Getting out of bed (to the loo) in a middle of the night was tough. Taking the first step, adoiiii.....and I make that trip like 2-3 times in a night. Leceh ooo. Joints must be aggravated coz the they go to sleep due to same lying position through out the night (left side lying). So I had to call upon the help of my previous trusted companion, for that night trips.
30 October 2013
The crutches have been stored since last week :) I actually stopped using the crutches fully sometime into 3rd week of confinement. Well, into 2nd week confinement, I have started not to use the crutches a few times. Fastest recovery ever. Already went upstairs, able to sit bersimpuh on the floor, able to sleep on my sides (dulu lama ooo baru nak buleh sleep on my sides), ishh..byk benda lah dah buleh buat. Happy..happy :)28 Sep 2013
Getting out of bed (to the loo) in a middle of the night was tough. Taking the first step, adoiiii.....and I make that trip like 2-3 times in a night. Leceh ooo. Joints must be aggravated coz the they go to sleep due to same lying position through out the night (left side lying). So I had to call upon the help of my previous trusted companion, for that night trips.
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Brand pun Lifeline :) |
21 Dec 2013
Have started doing walk-run to regain my fitness (hancorrrr weiiii...startt from zero) and to prepare for MPIB2014 run. Well...the run is a carrot to get myself fit punn. What I want to say here is..apart from semput, side stitch etc, I've experienced some discomfort around groin area. Pretty much like the discomfort felt during that monthly period. The core strengthening really helps lah. I'm happy to say, this is the best post-natal recovery I've ever had.
Oh dear.
Hope you feel better soon!
Take time to recover. Happened everytime bersalin. Huhuhuhuhu..after first delivery tu teruk, tak reti nak manage, sebulan bedridden. 2nd delivery, dah pandai sikit, straight away pakai tongkat. This time, I can only pray it will not be worse than before :(
Thanks for the wish though!
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