Yesterday some of us ran the race, some of us walk the race, some of us run/walk the race. Hehehe..When me & hubby went for this kind of event, it was usually just the 2 of us. Occasionally we would go together or meet up with hubby's niece, Sarah. Three is a crowd and so this time around, the crown got biggger woooohoo!
This time we were joined by most of Abg Tam's clan - Sarah (of course), Ucop, Usin, Te'Ah and Ucop's fiance Rock (nama manja yg keras gitu), also by Dec13 Kinabalu team - Yat, Bedeng & Acai. Since I planned to walk all the way, managed to use this excuse to 'brainwash' Zeti (Bedeng's mdm) into joining me for the walk as well. Kui..kui..kui..Kudos to Zeti and Ucop, first timer in any distance walking event. Usin, Te'Ah & Rock run/walked the 5KM. The rest, did the 15KM (clap..!) by run walking except Yat kut who ran all the way non-stop (clap..clap!). She finished in 1hr20mins (swoon...).
I've done this route, like, 3 times already..'yawn' |
We braved the hazy day with face mask distributed by organizer. Thankfully the haze only got worse around 930-10am. Hubby arrived last...hehehe..almost 10am. Few minutes after he arrived, organizer already peeled of the detector mat for the running chip. peluang la...I was a bit worried jugak for him. Since he just got back from Rio (26 hrs flight u know! gasp..) and touched down 4pm Saturday. Jet lag nye..pukul 5 pagi dah kena bangun since we carpooled with Acai and met up with Yat/ Bedeng/Zeti at Masjid Sultan Mizan.
All in all, it was a very merry gathering. Kena buat lagi ni..and really looking fwd in future with me running pulak. Lambat lagi le tu..mau end of Q1 2014.
Top L-R : Ah, Rock, Te'Ah, Ucop, me, Yat, Zeti
Bottom L-R : Acai, Hubby, Usin, Bedeng (hmm..11 of us heh?) |
Oh yes. Sangat gembira sebab suka tgk Zeti galok. Keh..keh..keh. Walker's high sat minah tu lepas we reached the finish point. Dah le dia tak tau dpt medal & cert. Siap tukar letak watsapp photo pakai gamabr finisher medal. Hmmm..reminds me of my earlier 'high' when I run the MCIS 5K fun run, was it last year? Ye laaa..mid last year.
Wah. Clap clap to everyone especially to you. ^^
Eeeeeek! First commenter ever ahahaha.
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