Selsema dah 3-4 hari kut. Batuk2 just started 1-2 days ago. Huh, sengsara. Dah la dengan low energy pregnant 11 weeks lagi (please la, I want my original energy level back!). During time like this, my best friend is :
Uuuuu..sedap! fevret ubat batuk. Spoon lickin' good lah! |
Takkan nak bantai ubat batuk je around the clock kan. I take this candy even when I have sore throat. Soothing! |
Best friend when sleeping. My throat becomes dry at night & induces coughing. Seksa! Wearing this, my throat will not be so dry. |
Pashmina...takde le design camni, tapi berselimut lebih kurang mcm ni (kat opis la)...seram sejuk nye pasal |
Heiii..cepat la lega. Tak syok la selsema/ batuk ni.
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